
Technical Requirements

We need two full-range monitors (QSC K10 or similar; let us know to bring ours if needed) with separate mixes, and seven input channels:

Only the talk box channel should get a low cut: everything else will at times make bass sounds.

Cecilia has a clip-on microphone for fiddle, and routes her sound through a series of pedals.

We'll plan to bring the keyboard unless you're flying us to the dance. If you're providing the keyboard, Jeff is used to the Yamaha p-series (p-85, p-95, p-105, p-115, p-121, p-125, p-125a) but can use anything with ≥72 weighted velocity-sensitive keys and MIDI output (USB-MIDI works; 5-pin MIDI is possible with advance warning).

Similarly, if we're flying to the gig Jeff needs to sit on something about 22" high, which is a good bit taller than most chairs. An adjustible "drum throne" is ideal, but a stool close to 22" can also work.

The mandolin is electric, and at different times will come out of either of "mandolin" or "talkbox". With the talkbox the sound is routed through Jeff's mouth to the vocal mic on the talk box channel.

The drums are a foot-controlled electronic drum kit, making kick, snare, and hi-hat sounds.

The computer is controlled by the keyboard, drums, and other MIDI inputs and produces many different sounds including organs and bass. These are all mixed down to one XLR, and while they should be appropriately balanced, depending on your specific PA system we may need to adjust levels slightly during sound check, especially if you have a subwoofer.

If any of this doesn't work for you (ex: you have little "hot spot" monitors or you can only offer one monitor mix), please let us know. We have extra equipment we can bring to supplement as needed.

Overall, it looks something like this:

Cecilia sits stage right, setting up her pedals by her feet. Jeff sits stage left, setting up all his gear reachable from his seat at this piano.

For questions, write to